Personal Risk Insurance Review Check List

If you hold existing personal risk insurance cover or if you hold no cover and you can answer ‘Yes’ to any of the following things you need to speak with us.

Please complete the brief contact form indicated below the list:

  • You have existing debt or are taking on new debt and have no Plan B to repay the debt in the event of Death or Disablement.
  • Birth of a child or existing children that are still dependents 
  • Marriage / re marriage / or defacto relationship
  • Need to insure you children or grand children
  • Changes to your superannuation plan
  • Increases or decreases to your monthly income by more than 10%
  • A change in beneficiaries nominated through your Life Insurance policies
  • Given up smoking for more than 12 months (if shown as a smoker status in the insurance policies)
  • Material increases to your personal or business debt
  • Commenced a self managed super fund
  • Received an inheritance (you or your spouse)
  • Entered a significant new business venture or changed your occupation

Contact Us